Australian Superannuation Fund

Condensing a superannuation fund’s multiple platforms into a single core registry

In the years following business growth through merger and acquisition, our long-time superannuation client was preparing to move from multiple cores to a single core registry. This digital transformation involved data migration from multiple legacy systems and ensuring efficiency across all ancillary systems.

The Australian superannuation provider engaged 9Yards to define their new target state and develop a roadmap outlining how they could execute the strategy with certainty.

Our consultants were able to complete this mammoth strategic task in under five months to produce a robust design that allowed the client to secure the necessary levels of funding and as well as confidence from their key stakeholders.

Transforming a complex problem into an actionable strategy

We worked with the client’s in-house architects across a number of core stream areas to understand every detail of their registries and ancillary platforms. Determining the complete reality of the current state – covering document management, integration, security, data platforms and customer and staff experience – is crucial to defining and then realising the ultimate target state.

With the current and target states defined, we were able to design a comprehensive roadmap, providing significant architecture and design services in the design phase of the project.

For this initiative we defined over a hundred features, identifying the key dependencies between the features and optimising their implementation for efficiency and interoperability at different transition states across the course of the greater project.

Identifying and reducing risk in digital transformation and data migration

The biggest factor to reducing risk is first identifying and understanding it. Once all the potential potholes are acknowledged, only then can they be prepared against. Our expertise in the financial services industry combined with our experience in these types of major digital transformations has led us to develop frameworks that allow us to mitigate risk.

We are able to put in place a robust design that is built around minimising negative impact to customers, staff and the longevity of the solution. Our recommendations – especially in projects like this with massive data migration risks – include vigorous and substantial simulations of testing, catching potential data errors before they pose a real-world danger.