Digital Transformation Target State Roadmaps: A Blueprint for Success

18 Jul, 2024

At 9Yards, we know that the foundation of a successful digital transformation is an expertly developed target state roadmap that takes into account the unique current configuration and goals of the client. There’s no single solution that can be applied to every organisation.

Every client we work with at 9Yards has their legacy systems, unique organisational culture and business goals.

In this blog we share our blueprint for harnessing a client’s unique attributes and visions to develop a customised and effective target state roadmap. Our tried and true approach is holistic and developed with an open mind.

The approach is structured into three critical stages: Discovery and Validation, Target State Direction, and Target State Roadmap and Horizon View.

Read on, to discover the 9Yards comprehensive and effective target state roadmap blueprint for success.

Stage 1: Discovery and Validation of the Existing Technology Landscape

The first step in any successful roadmap is understanding where you currently stand. Solution architects play a key role at this stage, with a deep dive into your existing technology landscape.

  • Comprehensive assessment: A key aim at this stage is to understand the current state of technology, processes, and systems. It’s important to perform this assessment holistically, considering a range of organisational and technological factors, including how you manage data, team culture, and your vision for customer experience (CX).
  • Stakeholder engagement: People and their experience of the current state are important inputs into this discovery phase. By engaging with key stakeholders early at all levels of the organisation, you are able to gather insights, concerns, and aspirations so that the roadmap will align with the broader goals of the organisation.
  • Validation: Once information has been gathered, solution architects will validate the findings with stakeholders as a checkpoint to ensure accuracy and completeness. This step is crucial to building a solid foundation for the stages that follow.

9Yards solution architects bring decades of experience and sector knowledge to these activities to create a clear and accurate picture of the current state. Done well, this sets the stage for a targeted and effective transformation.

Stage 2: Target State Direction

Once the current state is understood and validated, the next step is to actually define the target state. Congratulations! By completing Stage 1, you’ve set yourself up for success by understanding (measuring) what you have, who you are, and what you need as an organisation. Next, a solution architect will turn to:

  • Developing a vision: It’s time to develop a clear and compelling vision for the future. External factors such as industry trends and pressures provide context, too. The ideal vision is one that combines the ambitious with the achievable.
  • Strategic alignment: This is where you focus on ensuring the target state aligns with the organisation’s overall direction. This is crucial for a number of reasons, including buy-in from stakeholders and a cohesive approach – both significant success factors.
  • Design principles:Design principles guides the transformation. These principles reflect your organisation’s unique challenges and opportunities, ensuring that the solution is tailored and effective.

At 9Yards we know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution so our solution architects focus on the unique circumstances of each organisation we work with, developing a target state direction that is specific, relevant, and impactful.

Stage 3: Target State Roadmap and Horizon View

The third stage in our 3-stage blueprint for a digital transformation target state is to develop a detailed roadmap that outlines the steps to achieve the target state.

  • Roadmap development: Aim for a roadmap details the initiatives, timelines, and resources required to reach the target state. The roadmap needs to be realistic, actionable, and prioritised based on the organisation’s specific needs and constraints.
  • Horizon review: A horizon review validates the draft roadmap against potential future challenges and risks. Imagine our solution architects, standing on a hilltop looking out towards your target state, one hand shielding their eyes, watching for wolves, lions and green pastures. This is a key task to ensure the roadmap remains viable and adaptable in the face of changing circumstances.
  • Continuous improvement: Change is constant! Your target state roadmap needs to be adaptable and responsive to changes that could come from new insights, technology updates or shifts in the regulatory landscape. At this stage, solution architects ensure there are mechanisms in place for ongoing review and refinement of the roadmap so that your digital transformation stays on track and continues to deliver value over time.

At 9Yards, our experienced solutions architects and consultants have been honed by years of client-side experience in banking and other sectors. At this final stage, more than ever, you need solutions architects who can manage stakeholder expectations and engagement build resilience into the journey.

Is this the digital transformation blueprint you’ve been looking for?

Does this 9Yards 3-stage ‘blueprint’ for developing a target state roadmap resonate with what your organisation needs at this stage of your digital transformation journey?

Start the conversation with the digital transformation consultants at 9Yards to craft your target state roadmap and embark on a journey towards lasting success.