NSW Crown Lands


NSW Crown Lands is part of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (formerly NSW Department of Industry). They are responsible for approximately half of the land in the state of NSW, Australia valued at over $6.1B. Through their Crown Reserve System, they manage over 35,000 sites and 54,000 leases and licenses on those sites. The department also manages the development, marketing and sale of Crown lands not required for public purposes.

9Yards had previously consulted for the NSW Department of Industry, and through this were recommended to propose the solution design for the NSW Crown Lands ICT refresh program. The ICT refresh program involved replacing a number of legacy systems and assessing the right products that were going to meet their functional and technological requirements as part of their target state vision. At the same time, the solution had to align with the standards and existing applications already used by the NSW Department of Industry and resilient to any future mergers with other departments within the NSW Government.

NSW Crown Lands were looking to implement new products that would be built upon legacy systems. This created more issues than it solved as they would need to maintain both the new and legacy systems, and therefore the duplication of required resources and increased cost. Through an in-depth exploration, 9Yards were able to propose a much simpler and cost-effective solution with a new mapping platform and an integrated financial system, while decommissioning the current legacy systems.

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