Mastering Systems Integration To Address Business Challenges

31 Aug, 2024

Mastering Integration: Innovative Solutions for Industry-Specific Challenges

Every sector and business has unique systems configurations, requirements and business goals. The architecture, systems and technologies required to achieve those goals are rarely available in a single out-of-the box solution.

Systems integration is how businesses can combine technology solutions to support business goals and maintain a competitive edge. Done well, a systems integration solution will solve today’s problems and align with your organisation’s target state so that you’re also set up for future success.

Common systems integration questions

By its nature, systems integration can seem complex. A successful approach to systems integration has strategic inputs, considers current and target state, identifies and manages unique challenges and ensures the right technology is in place to meet business goals and address regulatory requirements and customer expectations.

When working with organisations we encounter similar questions across all sectors. The key challenges for organisations include:

  • how vendor platforms compare
  • the best approach to integration (e.g. API gateway or integration platform)
  • how to match integration solution features with business objectives
  • and even, practical concerns about how to implement the integration solution

The best approach is to recognise that there is no universal solution or quick fix. Each organisation requires a tailored systems integration strategy that takes into account various factors, including their target state roadmap, budget, available resources, and the specific industry they operate in.

Our best advice is to seek expert help, unless you’re lucky enough to have a crack team of solutions architects in-house.

When to consider systems integration

There is no single point when systems integration needs to be considered. It is part of every systems and technology decision. For example, you’ll consider integration during:

  • a merger or acquisition
  • the addition of a new system or service that needs to work with existing or legacy systems
  • a move towards cloud integration
  • as part of your digital transformation project.

What does successful systems integration involve?

Integration direction and roadmap

Systems integration is certainly considered during the creation of a target state roadmap as part of strategic design and planning.

Integration architecture design begins with a thorough investigation and articulation of your organisation’s actual current state. This identifies the pain points and inefficiencies in the arrangement as it stands, and begins to shape the objectives of the target state.

Designing this target state explores your integration aims. It is where we prioritise features and consider the organisation as a whole, beyond the departmental silos.

This planning activity defines the scope and specific objectives of the integration activity. This feeds into plans for budget allocations and developing an implementation plan.

Comparing vendors and understanding features

Vendor comparison sites for integration platforms might seem to be an excellent starting point. The trouble is that most are too generic to be truly useful. An effective comparison should consider the needs and context of your organisation.

For example, a vendor comparison site won’t know your appetite for risk, your willingness to integrate disruptive technologies or the exact systems that require integration – not just today but in line with your strategic plan.

9Yards has the insights and advisory expertise to tailor and contextualise your vendor selection to meet the objectives of the organisation.

At 9Yards, we’ve honed our integration methodology through years of experience, continuously refining our approach to vendor selection to align with your organisation’s unique priorities and needs.

Designing tenders and RFx documents with target state in mind

When it comes to Request-for-x (RFx), getting the tender or request document right can have an enormous impact on whether you’ve attracted the right vendors.

At 9Yards we’ve worked with many organisations, across sectors and with unique needs to provide advice and input into required tender documentation. As part of this service, we’re able to develop an executive-level target state solution architecture that sets the parameters and even develop tender reference material and documentation.

We’ve also developed a systems integration best practice approach to RFx that leverages predefined functional and non-functional requirements to accelerate the process for you.

Integration Reference Architecture

How do you allow your systems to talk to each other? This is the question answered by integration architecture.

Integration reference architecture is an organisational blueprint for these relationships. It’s an essential tool for organisations that are modernising legacy platforms, and focused on providing positive staff and customer experience.

Talk to the integration experts

9Yards has a range of integration services that can help guide your organisation through every stage of integration solution, from integration design, through to selecting technology, and even implementation.

We know that the challenges and goals of every client we work with are unique. That’s why our integration solutions are technology-agnostic. Our experts will design an integration solution around your specific needs that also addresses the broader challenges of your sector and industry.

Get in touch today to talk with our integration solution experts. We’d love to connect.