
Cloud9 is an online health assessment tool used to generate a holistic view of where your business stands from a strategic and technology point of view.

Why does your business require a health check?

We take medication when we are sick, we workout to keep ourselves fit and we have medical check-ups periodically to prevent any major illnesses – this also applies to our businesses where it needs periodic health checks to identify the gaps and threats, the strengths and opportunities, and ensure that the strategic decisions taken are heading in the right direction.

What are the benefits of a health check?

  • Identification of current gaps and weaknesses, while mitigating potential risks
  • Enablement of current strengths and opportunities to take advantage of future trends
  • Simplification of business operations and procedures
  • Alignment of technology stack and strategy
  • Efficiencies improvement of IT operation and support
  • Greater engagement and management of people and culture within the organisation
  • Better return on existing investments and reduced risk for future investments

How is Cloud9 different to others?

Cloud9 is online and therefore

  • Engagement can be done remotely and at any time convenient to the users (particularly with Covid-19 restrictions)
  • Automation and deployment of diagnosis tools with minimal manual intervention
  • Scalable to gather information from small businesses with 20 employees to large enterprises with over 10,000 employees

Hundreds of years of knowledge and experience accumulated by our consultants has been embedded into Cloud9’s Smart AI, and as such can

  • Tailor solutions to meet your strategic goals
  • Identify best practice for each different industry
  • Optimise and align your technology stack
  • Continuously evolve with the information and data learnt with each client engagement
  • Benchmark capabilities against similar businesses
  • Streamline current software and technology assets
  • Take a holistic view to solving problems

What outcomes and outputs can we expect?

A current state analysis of your business with details on

  • Strategic direction and alignment of the business and employees
  • Organisational overview of current capabilities
  • Software/technology efficiencies and gaps
  • Benchmark comparison to other similar companies in similar industries

This provides the foundation for us to develop a target state strategy, and implementation of recommendations to unlock your businesses’ full potential