Premium Data & Cyber Security Consulting Services

9Yards is one of the leading data and cyber security consulting firms in Australia. Our data and cyber security consultants can tailor the best solution to protect your organisation.

9Yards data and cyber security consultants are experts in protecting your digital and electronic assets from any threats such as attempts to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal or gain unauthorised access. These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

As we move to a more digital world, the risk of a cyber attack increases. In fact, 62% of the ASX 100 companies reported more attacks in the past 12 months. More worryingly, 51% of them are somewhat confident in the ability to detect, respond and manage a cyber intrusion to minimise business impact, and 3% not very confident at all.

Top Five Cyber Risks

  • Malwares (malicious software) are generally written with the intent of damaging devices, stealing data, and causing disruptions. They include viruses, trojans, spyware and ransomware to name a few.
  • Phishing is an attempt to gain sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy contact with emails that often look convincing with genuine logos and wordings
  • Data leaks usually occur from thieves targeting portable storage devices, from your smartphones and tablets to USB data sticks.
  • Hacking is conducted by identifying weakness in computer systems or networks to exploit its weaknesses to gain access. Traditionally they have attempted to gain access to bank account information or credit card databases, but intellectual property is becoming more prominent more recently.
  • Insider threat can be employees, former employees, contractors or business associates who have legitimate access to your systems and data, but use that access to destroy data, steal data or sabotage your systems.

IT Security Consulting Services That Protects Your Business

9Yards has extensive knowledge and experience in helping your business protect itself from data and cyber risks. We strive to stay on top of the ever-changing landscape of data and cyber security, remaining up to date with the latest technology and developments. Our consultants are highly skilled and experienced and are constantly updating their skills to handle new types of security threats when they arise.

We Understand What It Takes To Protect Your Business

At 9Yards, we understand that when you utilise the services of data and cyber security consulting firms, you also want to establish an ongoing relationship in order to be prepared for new threats. Our data and cyber security consultants can evaluate your systems to determine how prone they are to cyber-attacks. From there, we can implement a plan to both respond to and recover from any attacks your business systems incur. We can also recommend robust measures to protect your data and ensure compliance with data privacy laws and requirements.

Enquire Out More About Cyber Security Consulting Services Today

If your business requires IT security consulting solutions, 9Yards is available to help. Call us today on 1300 992 737 for more information on what an information security consultant can do for your company.

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Our Data and Cyber Security Consultants

Phil Yeardley

Phil Yeardley

Principal Consultant & Director
Phil Yeardley

Shannon Slater

Principal Consultant & Director