Uniting Finance Services


9Yards were engaged to conduct a high-level review of its core banking service provisioning, from both a contractual and operational perspective. 9Yards also provided independent counsel to determine the strategic fit of a target state proposal from the currently contracted service provider.

This culminated in a recommendation to retain its current provider and achieve technical currency with the platform. As an outcome of this process, 9Yards was also asked to review the service provider’s proposal to transition to the new platform and the supporting contractual documentation.

Uniting Financial Services (UFS) is a religious charitable organisation formed to provide treasury and investment services to the Uniting Church’s Synod of New South Wales and the ACT. UFS generates income for the Synod to help fund its activities in support of communities in need, together with supporting church life and congregations.

We subsequently provided commentary of key points from the documentation together with a series of recommendations to gain more clarity of service levels, cost methodologies for the up front and ongoing licencing charges, data migration responsibilities, and system acceptance criteria.

UFS regards itself as a leader in ethical investing and integrates these principles into its investments, across all asset classes. This prudent approach has established funds under management of $1.75Bln with the organisation’s growth aspirations primarily in its wholesale business. Prudent and professional investment disciplines also allow UFS to make a positive social impact through the financing of sound investments in community education, housing and employment projects.